Yulia Martynova
Yulia has over 14 years of experience editing documentaries and factual entertainment.
A hardworking team player and NFTS editing graduate, Yulia is an intuitive storyteller who is equally at home editing fast-paced entertainment, human interest stories and science. She prides herself on ensuring that every scene moves the story forward and contributes to the arc. We admire Yulia’s reliability and solid personality, clients speak highly of her and want to invite her back for future projects.
Fluent in Russian and English, Yulia’s editing highlights include ‘Searching for Italy with Stanley Tucci’, ‘Ambulance: Code Red’ and ‘Gold Rush’.
More work by Yulia
The Making of David Attenborough’s Natural History Museum Alive

Gold Rush
Gold Rush
Pirate Treasure of the Knights Templar (Ep 3)
Storm Troupers
The Making of David Attenborough’s Natural History Museum Alive
Sir David takes us on a journey through the world-famous Natural History Museum in London in a captivating tale of discovery, where 3D technology and research combine to bring the museum’s now long-extinct inhabitants to life. (Aired on Sky 3D)
Gold Rush
Extract from the DISCOVERY channel show; Season 2 Episode: Drill or Die
Gold Rush
Extract from the DISCOVERY channel show; Season 2 Episode: Drill or Die
Mygrations follows a team of 20 men and women in a feat that has never been attempted, as they set out on foot, unarmed and without a map or compass, to follow in the footsteps of the wildebeests. The human herd must cross hundreds of miles of scorched savannah — where water, food and shelter are hard to find but lethal predators roam unchecked — to reach the Mara River, the pinnacle of the wildebeests’ death-defying quest for life.
Pirate Treasure of the Knights Templar (Ep 3)
This History Channel show is about lost treasure is the foundation of legends and lore, and the greatest lost treasure of all belonged to the Knights Templar. Now, from the medieval fortified cities of Europe to the holy lands of the Middle East and from a secret pirate island in the Indian ocean to America’s first great cities, renowned underwater explorer Barry Clifford and historian Scott Wolter are unearthing new evidence in an attempt to find hidden links between two of history’s most legendary sects, separated by 500 years: the medieval Knights Templar and 17th century pirates. What they learn may very well alter the course of history and lead them to treasure that’s been buried for centuries.
Storm Troupers
Alok Jha investigates how modern weather forecasting was born amid the horrific catastrophes of the 20th century, as meteorologists helped fight two world wars and tried to predict natural disasters across the globe. (Aired on BBC2)